Preventative Maintenance: How To Winterize Your Basement

Winter can be a challenging season for homeowners, especially when it comes to protecting your basement. As snow accumulates and temperatures drop, basements become more susceptible to cracks, leaks, and moisture damage. Taking preventative measures can help you avoid costly repairs and ensure your home stays dry and protected all winter long. In this blog, we’ll show you how to winterize your basement using Flex Paste and Flex Seal Liquid.

The Importance of Winterizing Your Basement

As temperatures drop, water seeps into tiny cracks in your basement walls and floor and can freeze and expand, causing those cracks to widen. This is known as the freeze-thaw cycle, which can cause significant damage to your foundation and lead to water infiltration over time. Once water gets in, it can trigger a cascade of problems, from mold growth to structural damage.

By sealing cracks before the first snowfall, you can create a watertight barrier that can withstand winter’s harsh elements. Flex Paste and Flex Seal Liquid are designed to provide that critical protection, helping to prevent expensive repairs and preserve your home’s value.

1. Inspect for Problem Areas

Before you begin applying Flex Seal products, it’s important to conduct a thorough inspection of your basement. Look for any cracks or signs of moisture, especially near windows, in corners, and along the walls and floor. Use a flashlight to check for small cracks that might not be easily seen. If you notice any signs of water or previous leaks, pay special attention to those areas. *

Also, inspect where pipes and ducts enter the basement, as these can be common entry points for moisture. If there are any gaps around these conduits, they’ll need to be sealed to prevent cold air and moisture from entering.

Lastly, if your basement has a sump pump system, this is a great time to inspect it and verify its operation before winter comes.

2. Flex Paste and Flex Seal Liquid for Basement Sealing

Once you’ve identified the cracks and gaps, it’s time to seal them using Flex Paste. Follow these steps for effective application:

Clean the Area

Before applying Flex Paste, make sure the surface is free of dirt, dust, and grease. Wipe down the area with a clean cloth or use a vacuum to remove loose debris. If the crack is deep, remove any dirt inside with a brush.

Apply Flex Paste

Apply Flex Paste directly into the cracks and gaps. For smaller cracks, a thin bead of paste will suffice, while wider gaps may require more material. Use a gloved finger or a putty knife to press the paste into the crack and smooth it out, ensuring complete coverage. Flex Paste can be tooled for about 15-30 minutes before it begins to form a skin.

Flexpert Tip: Flex Paste is available in both a “Stay Fresh” container and a cartridge for use with a caulk gun. The container allows you to scoop the product out, which may be more effective for larger gaps or coverage. The cartridge is excellent for sealing pinpoint areas and along seams. Depending on the size/type of areas you will be sealing, you may want to have both on hand.

Let it Dry

Flex Paste dries to the touch in about 2 hours and should fully cure within 24-48 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity. We recommend allowing 24 hours for the first layer to dry before applying additional coats. If the crack is wider than 3/8" AND deeper than 2" it should be filled in coats approximately 1/8" thick.

3. Apply Flex Seal Liquid

Use Multiple Coats

For the best protection, apply two to three coats of Flex Seal Liquid. Allow each coat to dry to the touch before applying the next. This will ensure maximum durability and long-term protection.

Let It Cure

While Flex Seal Liquid dries to the touch in a few hours, it may take 24-48 hours for it to fully cure, depending on the thickness of the layers and ambient temperature. Plan your project so that the seal has enough time to cure before any significant weather events.

Winterizing your basement is one of the best ways to protect your home from water damage, mold, and costly repairs. By sealing areas with Flex Paste and Flex Seal Liquid, you can ensure that your basement stays dry and secure throughout the winter months. Don’t wait until the snow starts falling — stay ahead of the game to protect your investment.

Download Our FREE Winter Basement Defense PDF for identifying key areas in your home and the best products for the job.

*Important Information: When inspecting your basement, signs of water intrusion on the inside of the wall may necessitate excavation around the foundation walls to discover the point of intrusion. Repairs must be made to the exterior of the wall and leaks far below the existing grade may require a specialty contractor to repair. It is imperative that surface water be directed away from the home's foundation. If the ground around the home has subsided and the grade slopes towards the basement wall, or fails to slope away adequately, the basement will eventually leak. Redirect surface flows away from the house.
Flex Paste
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Flex Seal Liquid
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