Paquete Windows to the Walls

Option: Pint - 16 oz

¿El único lugar por donde siempre entran el agua y los insectos? Los lugares que no puedes ver. Las grietas en el alféizar de tus ventanas, el burlete de tu puerta principal y el espacio donde las paredes se encuentran con el asfalto. Mantén fuera lo que te molesta con el Paquete Windows to the Walls (De las ventanas a las paredes).

Este paquete con descuento incluye:

• 1 Flex Seal Spray MAX, Blanco, spray de 17 oz.

• 1 Flex Caulk, Blanco, lata de 9 oz.

• 1 Flex Seal Liquid, Blanco, (16oz, 32oz, o 128oz)

Precio regular: $55.97-$147.97 (ahorra hasta un 10-15%*)

Este paquete con descuento incluye:

FLEX SEAL® - El recubrimiento de caucho fácil de usar que se infiltra en grietas y agujeros, luego se seca para formar un recubrimiento flexible e impermeable. Una vez seco, Flex Seal se puede pintar. ¡La forma fácil de recubrir, sellar, proteger y DETENER FILTRACIONES RÁPIDO!

FLEX SEAL LIQUID® - El líquido de goma superespeso que puedes cepillar, rodar, sumergir o verter. Comienza como un líquido espeso y se seca para formar un recubrimiento de goma fuerte, flexible e impermeable. Sella el aire, el agua y la humedad, y es resistente al moho, a los productos químicos y a los rayos UV.

FLEX CAULK® - La última innovación en tecnología de sellado. Es un sellador de polímero híbrido de alto rendimiento, entregado a través de nuestra Boquilla de Flujo Ajustable™ , que elimina la necesidad de una pistola de calafateo y te permite controlar el flujo del sellador.

ADVERTENCIA: Aviso de la Proposición 65 de California.

*Ahorros basados en el precio de comprar componentes de un paquete o kit por separado.


Read entire can. Wear face and eye protection, protective gloves, and clothing. Make sure the surface is clean, dry, and free of grease, oil, and dirt. Shake well. Spray 8” to 12” from surface, using an even, sweeping motion. Apply multiple, even coats until ALL cracks and holes have been filled.

IMPORTANT: Allow 24 to 48 hours to dry before applying another coat.

Let it dry completely. (It usually takes up to 24 to 48 hours to fully cure.)

*Use Flex Seal ONLY in a well-ventilated area. When using inside, prevent vapor build-up by opening doors and windows. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying.

*Do not use near heat, sparks, pilot lights or other sources of ignition.


Spray a larger area than area where the leak is and feather the edges. For best results, apply multiple coats rather than one thick coat and use at can temperatures above 60ºF. Make sure Flex Seal has filled ALL cracks and holes and is FULLY CURED before testing product. If light can pass through, apply additional coats.


Protective clothing is recommended prior to starting any projects, make sure the surface is clean, dry and free of grease, oil and dirt. You can either brush, roll, dip or pour Flex Seal Liquid directly onto surface.

Increase adhesion by etching surface with sand paper.

Allow each coat to dry completely (24 to 48 hours) before adding additional coats. Flex Seal Liquid fully cures in 48 hours.

Tips for Brushing/Rolling Applications

Brush or roll Flex Seal Liquid using an even sweeping motion. Apply several even coats until the surface has been completely covered and ALL cracks and holes have been filled. Always brush or roll over a larger area than just where the leak occurred.

Tips for Dipping Applications

Dip object into Flex Seal Liquid, making a slight swirling motion. Once you feel the surface has been fully coated, remove and let any excess liquid drip back into the can. Hang or clip object in the same vertical position as it came out of the can and let dry.

Once fully cured, you will have a super strong, no slip, rubberized coating on the surface.

Tips for Pouring Applications

Pour Flex Seal Liquid directly on the surface, allowing gravity to take the liquid into cracks, holes, and/or other hard-to-reach areas.Continue to pour until the surface has been covered and all cracks and/or holes have been filled completely.

When pouring Flex Seal Liquid into an area of depth greater than ¼ inch, allow each ¼ inch layer to cure completely before pouring the next layer. Allow at least 48 hours for liquid to fully cure.

WARNING: Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Gloves and safety glasses are recommended. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.


Area must be clean, free of dirt, grease, and oil. Adjust the flow setting to the desired amount. Hold at a 45° angle, push trigger down to begin flow of caulk. Keep pushing trigger while moving the nozzle across the area. Always use a smooth, even motion when applying the caulk. Flow setting and speed you move controls bead thickness. Material can be smoothed up to 10 minutes after application. Remove excess caulk with a dry paper towel, do not use water. Forms a skin in approximately 10 minutes, cures in 24 hours. After use, secure the “Snap & Save” cap tightly on the nozzle.